
What Do People Do Wkth Stolen Animals

Information technology's hard to believe that in the yr 2014 that abuses and atrocities toward animals are still being committed. Even more difficult to accept is that these acts are legal. We recollect of ourselves in this country as innovators on the cutting border of solving societal woes such as hunger, pollution, climatic change and wellness bug, but all too often nosotros allow greed and excess to lead where ethics and commonsense should.

At what point will these abuses cease? How far off the path of rightness will we need to become before we hitting the dead cease of incorrect? It isn't too tardily. Changes are happening now, just we have a long way to go and we must keep the momentum going! Speak upwardly! Let your voice be heard through the megaphone of social change and soon these v cruel things may non exist legal every bit they are today!

one. Trophy Hunting

Trophy Hunting
Wikimedia Commons

Trophy hunting is a blazon of hunting where body parts of the dead animal due east.g., antlers or paws, are kept every bit mementos, or trophies. Information technology differs from traditional hunting because the animate being is killed for fun and non killed for food. Information technology is often mistaken as a sport, just really information technology'southward an event for hunters who like to kill for fun.

Proponents of bays hunting try to pass it off as a conservation attempt, but the truth is, a very modest portion of any money raised from organizing a chase goes toward conservation. Typically, information technology goes to the middlemen.

two. Captivity

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The keeping of animals in captivity is a highly unregulated do in the United States. Simply ten per centum of the 2,000 captivity operations in the U.S. are accredited by the Clan of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). What is more disturbing is who made it onto the accredited listing (SeaWorld is on it, if you didn't already know).

A sanctuary or rescue that breeds animals, does not release animals into the wild (where possible), or keeps animals as an attraction for profit (eh hem, SeaWorld) is a disgrace to the meaning of conservation and should be boycotted. The public volition survive without animals existence held in menageries. After all, Costa Rica seems to be doing just fine.

At that place are a number of humane alternatives to viewing animals in captivity, such as bird watching, visiting a national park, or visiting an accredited sanctuary. Commercialism has no place in conservation, unless the coin is really flowing to conservation efforts and non into the pockets of investors.

iii. Creature Testing

Animal Testing
Wikimedia Commons

Animals are fed diapers and weed-killers are sprayed into the eyes of rabbits? Why would an animal need to be fed diapers? Clearly, people eat food, not diapers. Why would weed-killer need to be sprayed into the eyes of rabbits? Nobody is planning to employ weed-killer in place of heart drops. This makes no sense, especially when alternatives are available. Not-human animals are not the all-time alternative to testing. Just put, our physiology is different.

With the advances in science that our society is witnessing, it seems equally though testing on animals volition before long be a affair of the past. Information technology is already existence phased out in China, and is partially banned in India and the EU. Are nosotros next?

4. Equestrian Three-Day Eventing

Equestrian Three-Day Eventing
Wikimedia Commons

The physical demands are and so extreme for horses on a cross-country course that rules accept been put into identify to go along horses from being ridden to death (astringent injuries and death are routine).

Christopher Reeve, the thespian made famous past his part in the 1980s Superman franchise, was permanently paralyzed in a three-day event. Also, in a Rolex sponsored effect, a horse named Frodo Baggins (made famous past his office in the beginning "Lord of The Rings" trilogy) suffered a fractured skull and was euthanized on the form, as was another equus caballus the same day.

A source, formerly associated with this tight knit civilization of riders, said, "I witnessed a skewed reality in which horses are referred to [by their owners and onlookers] every bit enthusiastic participants of this so-called sport." This is tragic because information technology is articulate to those of us exterior of this portion of society that information technology is the and then-chosen sportsmen's hunger for danger that leads these horses to injury and death.

5. Factory Farming

Factory Farming

This listing wouldn't be consummate without a proper mention of factory farming. Information technology all started with chickens, pre-WWII, when farmers strived to meet the supply and demand of city dwellers and developed brutal means of keeping up. They laced feed with chemicals and vitamins to fatten up chickens, raised them in environments unsuitable for any living beingness, burned off their beaks to thwart cannibalism, and crammed them into wire cages, in gild to mass produce them.

Images of factory-farmed animals conjure upwards, in virtually people, intense emotions. For this reason, factory farms are kept tucked away in the countryside outside of major cities — out of sight and out of the listen.


It is time to cease and accept that we are cohabitants of this planet and non the masters of it. There is merely so much abuse that the land, air, water, animals, and humans tin take before the planet is permanently destroyed.

This list was express to just five cruel things that we wait animals to suffer in this country, yet there are many more than that can be added. Only while it's important to admit and empathise the cruel things we even so do to so many animals, we should non let these facts to push us into a depression; instead nosotros should take these realities as a call to action. Nosotros take seen many victories for animals in just the  final yr alone — but we must go on upwardly the fight to do better for boosted victories to be won and to ensure that all of the world'southward creatures accept a voice. And so always retrieve, Green Monsters: never give up!

Atomic number 82 Image Source: Wikimedia Commons


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